Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The media is corrupting our society. Do you agree?

I do agree with that the media is corrupting our society. There are many instances of the corruption of society. But basically I am focusing on how the media is corrupting children’s’ childhoods. The media plays apart in everyone’s life. Magazines, television shows, music, internet are forms of media.

Magazines are being read as a source of entertainment, there are many different kinds of magazines available on the market, catering to different age groups. However, many young girls abuse this easy excess to buy magazines that contain certain explicit issues that promotes promiscuity for teenage girls instead. One example is ‘Features in this month's Sugar include "How hot are you? Your pulling power revealed" and articles on how to dress sexy, "butt-loving denim" and "the sexiest make-up".’ This is definitely not good for young children who would get corrupted easily. One way of prevention that has been brought up by child protection groups was that such magazines should have 18-plus stickers so that newsagents selling such magazines to an underage reader will have to face prosecution.
The number of young children watching television shows is increasing rapidly; practically every child watches the television. But are the values being portrayed on the shows showed to the children the values we want to inculcate in our children? Storylines of revenge on the main character’s father who left them for another richer family. Pre-martial sex as seen in popular television shows like Desperate Housewives. It is true that sex sells, but is it worth it at the expense of eroding the moral values of our younger generation?
The music industry is another form of media that impacts quite a number of children. Previously, children looked up to Britney Spears, the fallen pop princess. She has transformed from a pouting schoolgirl to a scantily clad slavegirl, naked in a bath, or exchanging a lingering on-stage kiss with Madonna. Thousands of fans look up to her, and yet this is what they are learning from her? She is an idol to many, her actions, dressing are often imitated by many. However, it is getting from bad to worse; we would not want our children to learn such values from her. Not only her, the group, The Pussy Cat Dolls’ raunchy dance routines might be offending family valued campaigns, but surely, they are gaining more fans around the world. Their songs are also not really advisable for children’s delicate ears. For example, ‘At one of their recent concerts, girls as young as nine were in the audience singing along to their songs, which contain the lyrics "Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?" and "We'll be making love endlessly".’ Are these really the values we want to teach our children? Not only so, their skinny frames have caused many girls to suffer from eating disorders to be like their idols and to be able to flaunt their body. However, they do not realize that being anorexic and bulimic is not the way
Advances in technologies have allowed children to gain access to internet. According to a recent survey of 1300 pre-teens, children as young as nine talk about their sexual encounters in chatrooms. One example, ‘Some girls had webcams, others posted pictures. Of the girls who discussed sexual activity, almost a third were younger than 12, and eight per cent were under 10. One 10-year-old was reported as saying: "I've just kissed a guy. He was 11.’
As it can be seen from above, the effects of media is harmful and is indeed corrupting our society.





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